Garrett Fink
Ms. Kim Fisher teachers in her classroom surrounded by Halloween decorations.
Halloween is on Monday and as students start to consider their costumes, the Greeley West administrative team wants to make sure they follow a set of guidelines. Students are allowed to dress up to whatever they want, with a few notable exceptions. This is a result of events happening in the world.
The principal, Mr. Jeff Cranson said, “The District has fully banned all clown costumes. There are no clown costumes at all that are allowed to be worn Monday at school.”
The dress codes still applies: no hats, short skirts have to be full length, costumes have to cover skin, and no face paint. Students may wear some type of paint, however their face has to be recognizable.
Some teachers around West are feeling very spirited and are doing extra credit for Halloween. Most of the teachers are dressing up and doing a competition. Monday will be a spirited day at West, but everyone needs to make sure it’s a safe day too.