Assisted suicide is a very hard topic to talk about. It’s one that people don’t really understand until they are put into a situation of when it’s happening to yourself or someone you know. This has been a very talked about subject over the last couple years across America for states for say it is illegal or legal to do. Most states say it is illegal.
The way assisted suicide works is that if someone is terminally ill and has less than six months to live, the person can decide to take a pill that a doctor prescribes to end the life of him or herself peacefully so they don’t have to suffer through the pain that will come from being ill.
An example of this would be any type of person diagnosed with terminal cancer that will end their life within six months. Cancer will destroy the person’s body and make living very hard until death happened. If assisted suicide was an option, the person could simply take a pill and die very peacefully without any pain. Not only does this allow for the person to not suffer, their friends and family will not have to see them dying, which is a horrible thing to see.
The reason it is illegal to do this, is because people think it is inhumane to do so. People think the person should have to try and fight the cancer to live and let nature take its course. However, is suffering for whatever amount of time, the amount of money, and friends and family watching you die worth it?
I believe that having the option is a good idea. Just having the option allows for the person to not live their life uncomfortable and let their family and friends be comfortable with how their living also. I do not think it should be a must or a non-option thing. If a person who will get worse and worse over a time period until they die, they should be able to just go peacefully without any pain.
Proposition 106 is being voted on in Colorado right now, to give people the option for assisted suicide. This is a very hard topic to know what you think about it until you are put on the spot for the decision to be made, so people should vote yes on the proposition.