Greeley has noticed a large rise in homeless people, and the city doesn’t seem like they are doing very much about it. At more popular areas around Greeley, there are multiple homeless people at intersections and sleeping on the sidewalk. A few years ago, there were a few homeless people but every day it seems like there are more and more.
Being homeless isn’t always an option by that person. There are thousands of homeless people around the world that are addicted to drugs and alcohol, and put themselves in the situation that they are in. However, there are also a lot of homeless that are in that situation because they lost their job, they have a disability, they were in the military, etc. The idea of helping homeless is very hard because of that. You don’t know if they are going to go buy alcohol or go buy food to live.
Cities around the nation are starting to build shelters and places for these people to stay and get off the streets. For Greeley to be able to do this, some form of money would have to be raised by either taxes or donations, which makes people not want to do it either, but this is something that the city of Greeley needs to look into.