Mario Kart taught me how to be a better driver. Ironically, my month went downhill with a car crash leaving me speechless. I’ve had my car for a month and it’s already been hit. Man, I hope Toad’s odds aren’t that bad.
As my week started, my highlight had already been set: Mario Kart was released on Tuesday night! Finally, I could use my mobile device to distract me, as I had used the game on multiple systems in the past. Mario Kart has also taught me to be a better driver by being focused on the road and avoiding collisions. Now, I could even use it while I was driving!
This game has been popular for a very long time – almost as long as Mario and Luigi have been around. It is never boring to play and this game can be competitive when the multi-player version arrives. The game has already made my life easier. My favorite player is Donkey Kong. I’m big-boned just like him. I’m only upset with the fact that I haven’t unlocked him. But with time and work (especially during math class) I will eventually earn him.
When you’re in first place and the blue shell hits you, it can ruin your day. My blue shell came later Tuesday when my bumper was knocked off my car by a lady at Taco Bell. My world would have been shattered, but the thought of Mario Kart kept me happy and distracted from the fact my car would not be fixed for weeks. I highly recommend Mario Kart on your phone in case you miss your car or you’re having a horrible or boring day.