The grumbling started almost immediately.
After principal Mr. Jeff Cranson announced that staff would be doing tardy sweeps and moving students along to class through the commons, students throughout the school complained. Some were mad about the consequences, others were irritated at losing the freedom to be late.
The fact from the administration’s side is that tardies and unexcused absences followed by phone calls home were not working to limit kids getting to class on time. An even bigger concern was recent fights in the hallways this week.
Cranson thinks this might benefit our school in preventing unsafe situations. “ I came in on my day off and there was a fight every passing period and through this week as well,” Cranson said.
In addition to being tardy, students will face punishment for lingering around fights in the hallways while using their cell phones to film them. Punishments range from serving detention to suspension from school.
Cranson insisted this was not a “new” policy; the enforcement was just being stepped up. In the handbook, it says that a student can not record another student during school. This includes during fights.
Cranson said the policy enforcement has already worked. “Today was so much better. I was surprised how many kids went to class on time.”
Student reaction remains mixed. Senior Joseph Ramirez said, “I kinda like it, but at the same time it kinda sucks. Most of the underclassmen caused this problem.