Junior Austin Sharrah is a man of many talents. From playing on the football field to swimming and even playing with the Greeley West band, he can do it all.
Sharrah plays a highly overlooked position in football as he is the long-snapper for the team. The skills required to do this are unique and not only does he have them, he has them almost in range of being a Division 1 college athlete. “This year has been harder because of the great talent we lost last year but within that we found great talent that was overshadowed by seniors last year,” Sharrah said.
Sharrah has worked on long-snapping since his freshman year at West. He has been the go to guy for varsity for the past two years.
Not only is he a starter on the football team, but he is an excellent swimmer as well. The boys swimming team took the state title in 2018 with him on the team. He has really dedicated himself to the sport. “I think that I could possibly go to the next level in both swimming and football, but it’s going to take work. There’s a lot of kids wanting to get to the next level and I have to put in extra work so I can be one of those kids making it,” Sharrah said.
Sharrah is very dedicated to sports and his school work as well. “I have been working very hard to improve skills every day from snapping as much as possible in practice and always making sure I can get my homework done every night,” Sharrah said.
Sharrah is a complete put together young man and really shows what it means to be a Greeley West Spartan.