The weather is warming, the grass is getting greener, and flowers are starting to bloom, which means the spring sports season is here.
Tryouts for athletes interested in girls soccer, girls tennis, boys baseball, boys swimming or track were last week.
This year West is welcoming two new coaches, one for girls soccer and one for boys baseball.
Coming off an overall 2-13 season and an 0-11 conference play season, the Spartan soccer players are switching it up a bit this year with new coach, Fernando Perez. “I really like our new coach, he gives us a fresh new look,” defensive player Jacey Piacenza said. The team is looking forward to a fresh start and is optimistic it will increase the number of victories this season.
The baseball team is also coming off a bit of a downer season last year. With a 2-21 record overall and an 0-12 conference record, the baseball program moved up JV coach Ryan Jones as their new varsity coach. Players are very excited about the new season and new opportunities this season has to bring.
“Last year I was embarrassed to invite people out to watch us, this year I’m excited to see people come out and watch a good game of baseball win or lose,” 3rd baseman Aaron Rojas said.
The varsity baseball will be starting out their season in South Carolina at Myrtle Beach of tournament with teams from all over the states.
The girls tennis team was 3-7 in dual matches last season. They hope to follow in the boys tennis team footsteps this season making the entire program fairly victorious. With a team made up of majority seniors, they all hope to make it count as in their final season of their final semester.
Boys swimming is hoping to change nothing at all except for the bettering of their skills, returning this season as state champions. Last season the boys swim team front stroked, back stroked and doggy styled their way to the top making it through with a perfect 5-0 season. Last spring the team went to the state championships and emerged from the chlorinated water victorious as state champions and they hope to
do exactly the same this season.
West’ track team is one of the most diverse teams at West, with runners, jumpers, and throwers of all ages and genders, West has athletes for almost every event. Last year three Whyrick cousins, Grace, Meghan and Lauren made it to state for shot put and discus. With Lauren graduating, the legacy is left to Grace and Meghan who work tirelessly on and off season.