Stephen Lanphear
Mr. Tom Nugent talks to his homeroom class on Tuesday. Nugent is now a full-time Spartan after being part-time for the past eight years.
Greeley West orchestra teacher Mr. Thomas Nugent chose to work full time at Greeley West this year after splitting his days as an orchestra teacher at Greeley West and Chappelow Arts Magnet School for the past eight years.
Nugent said it was about time to prioritize one spot after driving across town all of those years. He also wants to ensure that every student at Greeley West can enjoy music to the fullest extent. “The main reason that I went full time at Greeley West was to invest entirely in this community. There are so many talented students in this building, both in class and walking the halls, and I want to help all of them enjoy music,” Nugent said. “We have the best program in town, and that takes a full-time effort.”
Having worked at Chappelow for eight years, Nugent had the opportunity of working with students since their beginning years of orchestra, experiencing their progress firsthand, as they moved on through high school. “I loved my time at Chappelow. I have had many wonderful students, many of whom I had the privilege of teaching for eight years. It is neat to have had a front-row seat to their growing up,” Nugent explained.
Nugent is still connected to Chappelow, even as a full-time Spartan. “My son still goes to school there, so I still get to see many of my friends and former students that way,” Nugent said.
Nugent is excited as classes moved into quarter two.
“Greeley West is a special place, and I enjoy getting to work here. I live close by, so I get to walk to school now,” Nugent said. “I have been teaching orchestra and guitar here for nine years, so those classes are growing and familiar. I am so excited for our new Music Technology and Lab class. We learn how to use tech to create and produce music, which will be great when we get into the new building that will have a recording studio,” Nugent shared.
Would it ever be a possibility to see Nugent teaching at Chappelow again?
Nugent says, “West is a big school, with big plans, and the best students; that makes this a big job. I want to see music programs grow everywhere, and I believe they will. I am pumped to be here full time for a long time and watch our students CONTINUE to set the standard in Performing Arts in District 6 and Northern Colorado.”