When it comes to school learning, a bigger space and greater environment is much needed. It may be upsetting for people in the community to leave it all behind, but principal Mr. Jeff Cranson said it is for the better.
The Hub has been a hot spot for decades at Greeley West and it’s the thing students are most excited to leave behind them, especially as school enrollment has increased each year. However, Cranson said it’s the thing he will probably miss most about the old school when the move-in is complete. There is such great history and tradition in our current building and I love the Hub because it forces staff and students to interact, something that doesn’t happen in other buildings,” Cranson said
This new building provides the opportunity to have many new things and make new beginnings. Cranson enjoys spending time talking about it and it is always on his mind. “ It is hard not to be excited for a new building with all of the space, technology, and new furniture of a new building, “ Cranson stated
The current building has many malfunctions such as not enough bathrooms, roof leaks, and not having any windows. “We will no longer have to worry about the roof leaking and not having any windows, and not enough bathrooms,” Cranson said.