This April, Greeley West music programs were approved by the district to have their traditional in-person concerts to end the school year. For the band, that performance will be on May 11. However, the rehearsal schedule has been very different for the band members this year.
Because of the quarter schedule and the fact that band class met during the first and third quarters, students are not available to rehearse during the regular school day. Instead, Mr. Chet Arthur has been requiring band students to attend rehearsals at 7 a.m. in the morning every Tuesday for the past three weeks.
Making rehearsals has been difficult for some band members. They say they would prefer having rehearsals either after school or even during school rather than in the morning. Junior Alana Smith said, “I’m not an early bird, but since it;s our concert, I have no choice but to wake up early. Though I do not like it at all.”
Other members of the band have actually enjoyed waking up early. Senior Ruby Arreguin Barreras likes the way it helps kick start her day. “It gives me something to look forward to in the morning and the thought of being around people I enjoy very much gives me something even more to look forward to,” Arreguin Barreras said.
One thing all band members can agree on is that it’s been nice to be around and play with the entire band.
One of the Covid protocols is that the band will have to play in the gym instead of the auditorium. Even though instruments will echo and impact the sound, band members agree something is better than nothing. In fact, the band will celebrate their seniors with a slideshow and senior gifts.