hroughout the past few years, Greeley West football has not been the powerhouse of high school football in Greeley. This year the Greeley West football team is 0-6 coming off a loss to Windsor, 49-7. Things won’t be easier tonight, as the Spartans take on Top 5 Erie, who is 6-0 at District 6 Stadium.
The Spartans thought last year was a fluke, after playing in 5 contests in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Greeley West Football was 0-5, losing by an average of 33 points per game. But the outlook for the football team isn’t that bad. The Greeley West varsity football team is made up of mostly sophomores and juniors who will return next year.
The football team believes that they will be an amazing team in the future with all of the young talented players that they have on the team. Sophomore linebacker David Lopez and lineman Cole Nohr both lettered in their freshmen year.
“I think that we will be unstoppable in the future with the amount of young talent we can shape in the next two years,” sophomore linebacker Alicester Pacheo. “During the season right now, we are in a place of learning on what not to do in the future and future games.”
Sophomore linebacker William Roybal agreed “I think with everyone on the football team having the right mindset, we can and will be a very good football team next year,” Roybal said. “Right now, the season has faced us with a lot of adversity, we have sparks of the good team we can be and how the team can be really good.”
The Greeley West football team has a bright future ahead of them with the young talent that they have on the team. Even though the Greeley West football team may not be the powerhouse of high school football that they were in the past, they certainly can be in the future.