In the photo to the right, candy store manager Junior Schmid instructs Gail Patterson on the importance of sanitation. We wonder when the candy store disappeared.

In anticipation of winter sports, senior Council members Cindy Forsythe, Joy Bertelsen, and Karen Houtchens add “spit and polish” to showcase trophies. Guess we don’t clean trophies anymore.

From the 1970 yearbook:
The many activities and accomplishments of the GW Student Council would form a long list, but the one achievement that seemed to warrant the most recognition by the student body was the dress code renovation which the Council supported. In addition to revising the dress policy, the governing group successfully carried out a “‘speak-out” on January 26 at which time students expressed ideas and complaints openly while teachers were absent from the assembly. Greeley centennial happenings attracted Council members for such events as a city-wide clean-up and centennial pop concert plans. President Vicki Johnston was named to the centennial youth committee. The active body of representatives spearheaded Homecoming, including a pep rally, picnic, parade, and dance and also sponsored an American Field Service weekend, April 11-12, coordinated by senior Karen Houtchens. Visiting exchange students stayed with GW students and attended West one day. Underprivileged children were also guests of Stuco for a Christmas party, December 19, at which Santa made an appearance in the library. Northern Conference Student Council meetings were attended regularly by Spartan High representatives, while Keith Bergseid, GW vice-president, served as Conference VP. He was later elected to give his talents as 1970-71 Northern president. A guest for the year, exchange student Alberto Farias from Chile, provided continual joviality to the meetings. Farias lived with the Bill Askew family and quickly made friends through West higher Kathy and Tom Askew.