To the right, National Honor Society President Norm Weaver introduces honored guests as the initiation begins at the annual NHS banquet.

NHS advisor Mrs. Kay Melewski issues Rob Proctor an outstanding service award for his contributions to West publications.
After receiving her NHS membership certificate, Jean Schmid shows it to her proud parents.

Article from Yearbook:
Leadership, scholarship, character, accomplishments, and contributions to school and community provided qualifications for National Honor Society candidates. At an assembly, April 16, 24 seniors and 14 juniors were tapped for membership into the selective society. The initiates and current members were honored in their parents’ presence at a banquet, May 7, held at the Greeley Community Building. After Norman Weaver, 69-70 president, installed incoming NHSers, Read Vaughan, Alan Miller, and Debbie Capron took the vows for next year’s officers as president, vice-president, and secretary, respectively. The honor of membership in the organization was the only award printed on graduating seniors’ diplomas besides that of NFL. Installing ten new members, April 28, the GW chapter of Quill & Scroll, an international honorary journalistic society, esteemed them for their efforts on the publications’ staffs at a banquet at the American Legion. Another requirement for admission was being in the upper third rank of either the junior or senior class and getting the recommendation of the sponsor. Following candle lighting ceremonies initiating new members, Sue Rife, Rob Proctor, Judy Csizmadi, and Barb Margheim were installed as officers for the ensuing year. Mrs. Kay Melewski, advisor, presented Sharon Haley, Kyle Monfort, Jean Schmid, and Judy Csizmadi with certificates for outstanding service to publications from the University of Colorado. Tommie Weiland and Kip Hansen, photographers, and staff member Proctor received Quill & Scroll awards from the sponsor for their untiring journalistic endeavors.