Greeley West used to have a Ski Club. Here, Mary Oelrich and Chris Sparrow concentrate on keeping off other people’s skis on their way to the lift. (Greeley also used to have a ski resort on the outskirts of town.)

After their chili supper, Spanish Club members Rob Proctor, Lynn Noffsinger, and Debbie Lewis get dish-pan hands.

Before giving their presentation on sex education, Diana Turner and Read Vaughan check over their notes with Mrs. C. B. Wood. It probably did not have a google slides presentation to go with it.
Article From Yearbook:
Having the largest membership ever, Ski Club made the scene at Arapahoe, Lake Eldora, and Winter Park. Most of the transportation was provided by Greyhound charter buses. The club’s first outing was taken in cars provided by faculty and members. With unusual early and late snows, the 80 enthusiasts had the chance for a few extra trips. Hay, straw, and farm dirt set the scene for the annual girl-ask-boy Sadie Hawkins Dance, January 24, in the West High commons. Eighty couples showed up to dance to the music of the “Precious Few.” A Dog Patch wedding booth and a light show was provided by Ski Club members. Fourteen Health Careers Club members and school nurse, Mrs. C.B. Wood, participated in the All-Colorado High School Health Career Day in Denver, April 17. Sponsoring tours through various Denver hospitals and presenting exhibits, movies, and conferences on the topic of training for a health career was the Women’s Auxiliary to the Colorado Medical Society. Representing GWHS in a discussion of the WHYS and WHY NOTS of sex education were Read Vaughan, Diana Turner, and Ed Grant. Counselors, students, and teachers held this conference and exchanged views on November 24 in the central office building. Along with other language groups, Spanish Club members helped decorate for the homecoming dance in October. The club sponsored a hot chili supper for 80 people on January 16 in the cannons area. The Supper, which netted $40, was served before the Ft.Morgan-GW wrestling match.