Ms. Lea Sanford's class had double-digit absences during third period today.
When the United States Postal Service said, “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night…” no one can be sure that they meant for Greeley-Evans District 6 to follow suit. Today’s gruesome weather has already been an issue for Greeley West High School.
Walking through the building today can give you a clear view on what the snow has done to the students. There’s hardly enough kids here to be able to tell if the school is even open.
Greeley West attendance is at an all time low with the weather keeping everybody home. Conditions are monstrous and even staff are staying away. Substitutes can’t get here in such conditions, either, and buses struggled to get kids here on time as well.
A lot of the students who are here have been arriving up to an hour late just trying to get here in the snow.
Junior Samirah Providence said, “Today has been pretty difficult. I just live in an apartment building across from the school but it was still really hard to cross the street because there was so much snow that had been built up. I can’t even get to work today because of it.”
Providence continued, “My mom’s car is snowed in and so she wasn’t able to take my little sister to school and she had to stay home. I wish we could’ve all stayed home,” she said.
Junior Camila Castillo agreed. “I believe we should’ve had a snow day. I had to wake up earlier than I normally do to get to school on time. I had my mom drive me to school because I wasn’t comfortable driving, and when I got to school so many people were telling me that they swerved and weren’t comfortable, so thank God they are perfectly fine and made it to school,” she said.
Castillo even said that there were only 11 students in her first period class out of the normal 26. Attendance is dwindling and no one is comfortable with the driving conditions they had to face today.
Although a lot of students aren’t here, everyone would’ve preferred an online day, at least. Students are aware that District 6 is doing their best to keep students on track and avoid make-up days. Maybe that late-start schedule posted online would’ve been the best solution.