“Burning the ships.”
New Greeley West Football coach Mr. John Hickey has pushed this motto to his players in order to forget what has happened with the program in the past. With their first win in over two years, it appears the motto is working. Hickey defined this new motto, saying, “Burning the ships (means) leaving everything in the past; it’s a new program and it’s a new culture.”
Confidently stating this is just the beginning. Next comes improving game by game. “We want to improve, to finally improve. I’m here to win and I want to win,” Hickey said.
The Spartans aren’t satisfied with just one win; they are getting ready for their first home game of the season against Bear Creek on Saturday. Even though coaches want to forget about the past, senior running back/safety Jose Salas said the past continues to motivate him. “We definitely used the past as energy. It was pretty awful. Now we are back on top. We just continue to work and grind now,” Salas said.
Not only is Hickey trying to change the program, but so are his players. It’s a new environment with everyone trying to help one another. However it isn’t only just the upperclassmen following the new culture. Salas stated he wanted to, “show the lower class as we (Seniors) leave to just to keep on fighting. Then hopefully it keeps going on for the next classes.”
With the lowerclassmen learning about the brand new program, junior Quarterback and Jose’s brother, Julian Salas appreciated the leadership. “A lot of the seniors help me out; they raise me up such as my brother Jose (does). They teach me things to work on to become better as a whole,” Julian Salas said.
Salas said it was important as a first-year starter at quarterback to use this advice from teammates.
West hopes through the rest of the season this motto can play on and keep this streak going. Their next challenge will be against Bear Creek this Saturday at District 6 Stadium at 1 p.m.