One of the overlooked aspects of the new building has been the new lockers. For the first time in many years, students are using those lockers to the point they even have locker partners.
There’s pretty much lockers everywhere around the school. You’ve definitely seen them if you have an English or Math class. They’re even dispersed around band and art rooms. The only place you won’t find lockers is in the cafeteria and the top floor. You can definitely tell there are less lockers in the new West than the old. This has forced students to share lockers. If students plan on getting a locker, they should do it as soon as possible.
Principal Mr. Jeff Cranson said that only 100 students checked out a locker last year. As a result, lockers for all students were never considered in the construction plans. There are currently 500 lockers in the new building.
Cranson said you’ll likely have to share because 600 students have already signed up for one. This has caused some freshmen anxiety as they meet new people. “I feel uncomfortable leaving my stuff in my locker because I don’t know my partner and I’m afraid it will get taken,” freshman Alahy Cerrillo-Proano said.
Cerrillo signed up for a locker because she wanted to stay organized. She was worried about keeping sports stuff and all of her academic materials in a safe location. Cerrillo said she learned about the lockers because her older sister had used one.
If you’re wondering how to get a locker, it’s pretty simple. Even though the homepage of West has a button for “Locker request form,” Cranson said it was easiest to get a locker by contacting Sasha Cohoon in the main office. Then you will get an email with the locker number and combination.