The number of students eating lunch this year has increased since last year with freshmen and sophomores being forced to stay on campus. It appears that it has resulted in students enjoying the school lunch better. Some of the reasons for this is because of the new cafeteria and the choices have peaked kids’ interest. “The most popular choices this year for lunch are pizza days and burger days,” said assistant principal Ms. Amanda Jones.
“My favorite choice of food is pizza because the other foods are nasty, I like the cafeteria because it’s big,” said freshman Carolina Soto.
Students enjoy eating in an area that has multiple places where you can sit. Senior Merelyn Chavez said, “I like eating breakfast at school in the morning because of how nutritious the food tastes and it’s less crowded and most people keep to themselves.”
Students appreciate their own personal space and with the cafeteria being bigger than last year, it makes it easier for students to find a quiet place to enjoy their lunch.
There are three choices for lunch each day. The main meal will be hot and the second meal will be whatever sandwich they serve that day. They also get milk. If you want to know what the choices of the food that they serve each day, you can go to the District 6 website. clicking on the nutrition services link.
School lunch is still free this year, although your parents still have to go through the application process for demographic data.