November 11th is Veterans Day. The point of this special day is to honor all America’s veterans for their patriotism and the things they have done for America.
Greeley West High School did things to embrace and show the thankfulness for everyone that has served to make an impact. Social Studies teacher Mr. Ky Dietz had his students write letters to some vets while Greeley West as a howl held a flag-raising in honor of all veterans.
Hall monitor Ms. Carina Ensinia said, “Having two service members, one holding the flag and the other one passing it up to hang it, was a special moment to be a part of. It was special by having the orchestra playing the national anthem.”
It was a surreal experience to witness this event, to honor and respect people who have served the country. It touched some people’s hearts. Ensinia said, “The fact to be able to see that being part of a service member’s family – my ex husband served. While stationed in Iraq he missed out on his second oldest growing up. Being a part of this and not being able to be there for his things, it meant something to me.”
Staff at Greeley West even have special ties to this day and it is just more than a day to them. Dietz said, “One of the big things about Veterans Day is I have a lot of veterans in my family, so it’s always been a thing to honor the people who served. I think it is really important to those who serve in the military. To be able to have students write thank you letters to veterans if they choose to is really important.”
Students who were present there had a lot of good things to say about the ceremony. Senior Tito Salcido said, “It was a good thing to see, everyone was respectful and quiet while the flag was being raised. It was touching.”
Added senior Pablo Herrera: “It was really cool, it was touching. They went out of their way to do that. To show some respect and honor.”