Last Tuesday, the Greeley West girls soccer team was supposed to play their second away game of the season against Frederick High School. This was canceled due to a report of a gun being in the school’s parking lot.
Because of District 6’s bussing situation, the girls team was already on site at Frederick High School at 1:45 when the school was locked down. The team had reached Frederick and were told to evacuate the parking lot because of the incident.
The team was shocked returning home. Senior defender Zoe Jamsay said, “Everyone on the bus was freaking out when we heard what had happened. Some girls started crying and called their moms. It was super unfortunate.”
Ultimately, Frederick sent students home about 2:45 in a controlled release. The game has been rescheduled for next week.
The gun threat came at a particularly unfortunate time after the tragic shooting at an elementary school in Nashville, Tennessee. Junior defender Caroline Karr said, “It’s very heartbreaking, knowing that someone would walk into a school and shoot young kids with no remorse. I believe that more needs to be done. We don’t need prayers for the families involved, we need change.”
Just because the shooting occurred across the county didn’t mean West students weren’t in tune with the current events. Senior forward Ella Wilcox said, “It’s very heartbreaking that there have been so many shootings and there is still no change, especially since this is the second shooting that happened at an elementary school within the span of a year.”
Frederick police handled this situation while the school went on lockdown. Karr said, “ Not only was I scared for the students at Frederick, but I was disappointed about how common lockdowns are in America, and how students have to constantly worry about their safety in schools.”