Carter Hulsey and his band created engagement for the main event by playing music.
Yesterday during homeroom, the senior class of Greeley West High School had an assembly based on financial literacy. The presenter, in collaboration with Funding the Future, had a twist to teaching. Carter Hulsey, the singer who presented, started with a mini-concert and ended with personal examples of the importance of meeting deadlines, saving money and knowing about the impact of a credit score.
Senior Pablo Herrera-Ceja found the presentation helpful, with information on things he wasn’t very familiar with. “The event was pretty helpful, especially with the last part he had said about making a Roth IRA, which has a six-percent compound interest. “ Herrera said, “ I feel like everyone can benefit from the money in the long run because you don’t really have to worry about it. Just put money in the account and in the back of your mind you know it’s steadily increasing.”
Senior Luis ‘Tito’ Salcido felt like he gained more knowledge on how to handle money and how to take better care of it. “I feel like it was very impactful because I didn’t know much about this topic. After the assembly I feel like I am better prepared for the future,” Salcido said. “The assembly really motivated me to put money into my savings and the Roth IRA. I just want to be prepared for the future and this really helped me know where to start.”
Senior Zoe Jamsay was invested in the message that was given because Hulsey’s personal examples were used to show students that if you aren’t educated on financial literacy it can really mess up your future with wanting to make big purchases. Jamsay said, “His message to the students is really great because it is important to learn the idea about credit card debt at a young age. He gave us a bunch of examples and even personal ones, which ended up scaring a couple of us.”