With the year ending on Tuesday night, all students in FFA (Future Farmer of America) had an event in which many were recognized and rewarded for their work throughout the year. There are 560 members a part of this program which has shown constant growth since year 2008 with only 125 members. With that, the 560 members on the roster are asked to participate in at least three activities throughout the year. Every member has been working so hard this year and many are very proud of all their hard work.
During the night, all members received numerous awards for chapter stars, leadership, scholarship, and degree recognition. The Dekalb outstanding was senior Sarah Porter with the eagle leaders being Hunter Halvik and Terrance Lehman. There have also been many highlights for teacher Mr. Kelly Longacre but his favorite was seeing the growth and participation from every member that joined this year, “so many are active and getting involved in activities.”
With all their hard work and meetings throughout the year, Parli Pro, a group of students is headed to state soon. It’s been years since a Greeley West team has qualified for state. “it’s been nearly 10 years since I had a team win the district contest to qualify for state. Our team meets twice weekly to practice and study for the contest.”
This program is constantly working and meeting to grow to get better, many are proud of what they do. But since the year has ended for this program, present members and Mr. Longacre are already preparing for what next year will bring.
Even with the year ending with students leaving, staying, and joining. There’s a hope there will be more than 560 members that will be apart of this program next year. “I am excited for our new officers. We have some that are seasoned and served prior and some new ones that have some ideas and goals for next year.” Said Mr. Longacre