Aramis Loma-Guzman
One of the signs posted around GWHS selling Valentine's Day goodies
With Valentine’s Day on the horizon, multiple Greeley West programs are joining forces to benefit students and their sweethearts as well as their programs. FFA, Horticulture, Choir, and Catering are all working together to keep Valentine’s Day great.
The Valentine’s sale menu has a wide variety of options for students. Of course, the Greeley West special, Singing Valentines, when the choir goes sing to your Valentine, delicious sweets, and beautiful flower arrangements are on the menu.
Not only do you have those options, but you can buy specialized Valentine’s Day cards, cookies, candy boxes, and a whole sugar cookie decorating kit.
On top of all these fun Valentine’s Day sales, Horticulture is also selling flower carnations. You can choose from red, pink, or white flowers to create your single, 6-flower, or 12-flower carnation.
Senior Jessica Ramos is extremely excited about the Valentine’s Day sale. “They are selling some cool stuff, and I think it would be funny to send one of the singing valentines to my boyfriend,” stated Ramos. “ It just makes Valentine a little bit simpler and easier.”
Proceeds from both sales will be used to support students in their quest to further their development for future careers.
You can order your singing valentines, and other things on the FFA Sale menu at the Greeley West High School web store.
You can buy your carnations from the Horticulture group at room F-111.
Don’t wait, buy your Valentine the gifts they deserve, and support our FFA and Horticulture groups.