Aramis Loma-Guzman
Campus Monitor Rose Francis monitors the bathroom during school on Wednesday. Francis and other security guards are no longer scanning student ideas for bathroom access.
Last week, Greeley West implemented a new bathroom policy, thanks to suspicious behavior in the bathrooms.
For a whole week, West students had to scan their badges to even go into the bathroom, not to mention there was a campus monitor stationed outside of the bathroom at all times checking how long students stayed in the bathroom. If activity was seen as suspicious, the monitor would go in and check to see if students were actually using the bathroom as it should be.
As expected, there was an uproar and students were not happy with the new policy. As a result, a meeting was held to discuss the privacy students had in the bathroom. All District 6 principals met with with district administrators earlier this week about the new policies. After that meeting, bathroom policies changed again.
When asked about the sudden change to the policy, monitor Rose Francis did not have much to reveal. “The change comes directly from the district, we are not scanning the IDs anymore,” stated Francis. “We are not allowed to reveal the main reason for the change.”
As of this week, students do not have to scan their IDs, but there is still a monitor stationed outside watching and seeing who goes into the bathroom.
Senior Jake Rath was not a fan of the new policy last week and shared the same opinion as many others. “It was so dumb. It was like we needed to have a bathroom membership just to use the restroom. I honestly think it’s weird that there are monitors right outside of the bathroom. It’s like they want to hear us using the bathroom,” Rath said.
Another week, another bathroom change. Stay tuned to see if a new policy change is coming soon.