Photo Courtesy of Madison Vella
Greeley West student council member Marcos Rodriguez leads a team of District 6 students through activities as part of the first STUCO leadership conference.
Greeley West and Greeley Central High School students teamed up to host a leadership conference for middle school students today at Greeley West. The conference featured a series of interactive sessions led by Student Council Members.
Student council member Hanifa Adam said, “Each student attended three sessions that covered a variety topics, such as social media marketing, vision goal setting, public speaking, failure management, and collaboration.”
The purpose of the conference was to help students become more confident and powerful leaders in their communities. It was planned beginning to end by the student council students.
With students not having school one might be worried about missing out on their three day weekend. That was not a big deal to the more than 50 District 6 middle school students who attended. Sophomore Scarlet Howell said student council members weren’t concerned about that because they knew the day would be valuabele. Howell said, “It will be good for the students that go. The activities are supposed to be fun and help out the kids.”
West and Central worked together to put on the conference as two groups as both groups had their own school days to attend to. It may have ended up making for an even more engaging and helpful conference. It was clear there were multiple perspectives and ideas from the two organizations.
First, students built their own families as they came from a variety of locations and didn’t know one another. Then, they traveled to different rooms and participated in different leadership activities.
The hope is that STUCO will do this activity every year with new groups of middle school students, buildling leadership traits throughout the district.