Greeley West had their annual freshman night last Wednesday. Incoming freshmen got a chance to sign up for any sports and clubs of their choice as the upperclassmen yelled and encouraged kids to come to their table.
At the start of the night, the incoming freshman seemed timid and not at all eager to sign up for anything. Tennis player Nick Roberts said, “Honestly the freshman looked kind of scared. They would looked at the tennis table and then walk right by. Then the girls started screaming at these poor freshmen to join tennis, and it was working.”
All the clubs and sports needed a way to get kids to come to their table, but they went about it differently. Junior girls soccer player Liz Chihuahua said, “Girls cheer, Poms, and girls basketball were really the ones yelling. All their cheering made everything more hectic.”
Boys basketball decided on a more personal approach. Junior basketball player Karter Nickell said, “ Basketball definitely had the most kids. We weren’t even really trying to get kids to come to our table; they just saw us and we got to talk to them.”
This really helped the incoming freshmen feel more comfortable and brave enough to actually sign up for some clubs and sports. Sophomore cheerleader Cain Gonzales said, “It was a friendly competition between all the clubs and sports, and in the end I think it really helped everyone get a lot of freshmen at their table. All the yelling really made the night more chaotic.”
Through that chaos and by getting involved early, incoming freshmen were off to a good start in their high school experience. Chihuahua also said, “Despite the yelling I think everyone did a good job getting kids to come to their tables. It’s so important to start early because if you’re planning to go to college you need to get involved not only in sports, but clubs too and freshman night is the perfect opportunity for incoming freshmen to see all the ways they can get involved.”
The competition between the tables and freshman night as a whole ended up being beneficial for everyone.