The weather is getting warmer and the clothes are getting shorter, but I don’t understand the problem. As we move into summer, Greeley West High School will reinforce the dress code, and students will be penalized for their choice of clothes.
What you wear is a way to express and individualize yourself for who you are. I understand a dress code is a necessity to an extent, but going as far as making students cover up for showing their back and stomach goes a bit too far.
Dress codes are supposed to take the pressure off girls to conform to modern trends to “dress sexually.” However, being a teen, I can assure you girls’ intentions are not to dress for other people, but simply to stay in fashion. I believe dress codes in all schools assume the over-sexualization of clothing is the fault of the girl and not the person sexualizing her. Schools are not banning the clothes; they are banning the bodies and personalities.
School is a place where you should be able to express your diverse interests, skills, and outlook, the clothing you wear included. Students should not be hindered.