Internet invades classroom
February 1, 2017
With humanity becoming more and more connected and technological, classrooms are having to integrate the newest school trends. Such techy trends are Kahoot! for quizzes and review questions; Google classroom for homework assignments and class assignments. Certain teachers take their pick of what is allowed in class and what is not but nonetheless, it is the beginning of the age of technology.
Students these days have their phones glued to their hands and it can be difficult to keep students focused while teaching. Such as the way of society today where everything is ruled by the tech in their houses. With teachers implementing technology in their classes the outcome of whether students learn more with the use of phones or not shall be seen in the later years.
Speaking from the output of students, our phones connected to schoolwork can increase our productivity in school since everything can be done with an app these days. Soon, our handwritten papers maybe outdated and everything will convert to electronic systems. Classrooms all over the nation are slowly transforming into tech classes where new websites and apps appear to teach the basis of their subjects to the future of society. Students are more “techie” than the previous generation making it an easy choice to make in which step to take for the betterment of teaching.
Teachers are having to learn new things to express their teaching skills and the advancement of technology certainly made its impact. To where the future of classes and teaching we will most likely find out in the next years.