Spartans encouraged to donate to blood drive
Jorge Jacquez and Abby Lujan show off their fancy blood drive T-shirts.
February 15, 2017
This year will mark the fifth year Greeley West holds a blood drive for students to donate. The Blood Drive will take place on February 23rd and be in the wrestling room. You must sign up and be over the age of 16 to donate on Thursday.
Donating blood will be an hour long process but lives will be saved when you donate your blood. At the pep assembly, Dan Richmond was saved by 121 anonymous people that donated blood to save him after a terrible collision with his very pregnant wife at the time.
The blood drive is a great opportunity to donate blood, help the community, and save lives. Jorge Jaquez, a student at Greeley West, put together everything for the blood drive and had the guest speaker at the pep assembly. Jennifer Davis, Manager for Bonfils Blood Center, is assisting in the blood drive fair with Jorge. Both him and Abby Lujan are working the table by the Spartan statue for those who want to sign up and donate on Thursday. We look forward to seeing how much blood will donate by the students at Greeley West.