Stuck up: West faculty help raise money for cancer patients
Ms. Kelly Stansbury is provided water from freshman Ava Stephens while being taped to a wall on Tuesday.
April 26, 2017
Have you ever wanted to tape one of your teachers to a wall? Students at Greeley West High School were given the chance to fulfill that dream last Monday.
The Greeley West Key Club held a “Tape Your Teacher” event in the school lobby where students paid $1 for a strip of tape to stick a teacher to the wall. The victims of this event were student selected favorite teachers Mr. Kelly Longacre and Ms. Kelly Stansbury.
During the entire lunch period, Longacre and Stansbury were standing on a box while against a wall where students had the opportunity to place their piece of tape. At the very end of the lunch period, the box was removed from underneath the teachers to see whether they were really stuck on the wall. Longacre was unsuccessful but Stansbury was truly supported by tape to a wall.
While the event was all fun and games, the cause was to help support and benefit Cancer patients as all proceeds from the taping went to The Cancer Society.
“Our goal was to just raise awareness and as much money as we could for people battling cancer.” said junior Key Club vice-president Samuel Diaz.
Freshman Ava Stephens enjoyed taping Stansbury, “It was really funny seeing teachers being taped to a wall, but I felt bad so I helped Ms. Stansbury take a drink of water while she was stuck,” stated Stephens.