School-wide assembly focuses on sexting, bullying

Weld District Attorneys talk about sexting at a school-wide assembly last week.
October 10, 2017
Last Wednesday during homeroom, all students attended a sexting assembly. Weld County District Attorneys came and spoke to students about a new law that takes place in January that deals with sexting cases by minors. They then gave a power point on the different punishments that you could possibly receive if caught with a sexting issue and gave examples of what could get you in trouble and what you can do to avoid the issue completely.
They also shared a story of a girl named Kiana Arellano who was cyberbullied over text messages and tried committing suicide, but was walked in on by her father and now is living an unfortunate crippled life. But that wasn’t the only message given in that story: there is a law that was placed over the situation. Kiana’s Law took affect in 2015. It makes cyber bullying a misdemeanor form of harassment, punishable by a fine” of up to $750 and/or up to six months in jail.
Junior Ivan Castillo attended the assembly and reflected on what he learned. “I mean it was kind of worth a lot of people’s time because I know that it is an issue in schools and it needs to be stopped. I dealt with a cyberbullying problem a couple of years ago because one of my friends was being bullied and it is stupid,” Castillo said.