FFA students show off knowledge of flowers
April 2, 2018
When asked for a type of flower, most high schoolers would respond with the traditional rose or tulip, but two weeks ago, Spartan FFA members put their flower knowledge to the test at a floral competition.
As a pillar in the FFA program, the Career Development Event (CDE) branch gives students opportunities that could be applied to their future endeavors in specific fields. Under the CDE pillar, West students do a variety of activities throughout the year. Most recently, they competed in a floral competition and spent a weekend at the Houston Gardens.
On March 23, the FFA Spartans were tested on their knowledge of flowers in Fort Lupton. The event served as a practice competition to prepare for districts in April where they will compete on a variety of different topics. The Spartans represented West against nine teams, and walked away with a second place team finish overall. Several West representatives placed high individually as well, including juniors Ashley Adamson and Rebecca Nava who placed 6th and 10th respectively.
Last weekend, students in the FFA program were also invited to learn about gardening at the Houston Gardens in North Greeley. This summer, West students who were selected by Mr. Blake, an FFA adult volunteer, will be starting their own garden on the Houston Gardens premises. In addition to providing experience for the students, the entire yield from the garden will be donated to either the Weld County Food Bank or local homeless shelters. The weekend they spent on sight served as an introduction to the protocol and basic ground rules of what will be expected during their summer project.
While the weekend was very busy for the FFA students involved, it provided them with good experience and helped prepare them for district competition in April and State in May. If the FFA Spartans can secure a rank among the top teams