Local group honors West art teacher
Mr. Travis Krause was recently honored by the Assistance League of Weld County.
November 13, 2018
Mr. Travis Krause recently received a Golden Globe from The Assistance League of Weld County. He received this award by participating in an Art Auction and Film Festival where people voted on whose they liked the best.
Krause has been involved in art as well as selling it since he was young. When he was around 11, he made and sold shirts and then continued this through his college career by making and selling pottery. His teacher helped him develop his entrepreneurship by putting him in charge of buying and selling materials.
Krause has always loved the challenge of being an artist but feels he owes it to his former teachers to pass on what he has learned. Therefore, not only has he focused on his personal art but also on his passion for teaching. He is currently focused on his teaching but knows he will grow his personal work in the future. He enjoys taking things he’s learned from his studio to his students and vice versa.
“They inform one another very robustly, it’s very intertwined and hard for me to disconnect them,” said Krause.
Krause puts in many hours into his art and feels his it is worth the prices he gives them. He respects not only the time it takes to make each piece, but also the years he has put in to developing his skills. He feels as if current artists under appreciate the work they have put in and sell themselves short. However, he does understand not all people can afford his originals and works to make more affordable pieces as well, by selling small and medium sized prints as well as clothing and stickers.
He feels his artwork has really taken off the past three years and that he has solidified his fan base. He has found a lot of support in Weld County because his artwork focuses on the outdoors.
“In pursuing my passion of painting, I bring the beauty of the outdoors inside,” said Krause.
Not only has Krause been successful in Weld County but he also has sold his art around the country and world. If you are interested in viewing more of his artwork and finding out more about Krause you can visit his website: www.traviskrausestudios.com