Students, faculty react to homeroom invitation system

Evan DeMeyer

Colleen Cherry moves through the hallway during homeroom on Thursday.

Evan DeMeyer, Staff Writer

Greeley West added a request feature for homeroom that has caused some controversy among the staff and students.

The change to homeroom included a system that has teachers request students to their room to get missing work or extra help on Thursdays. Without being requested, the students are no longer allowed to freely move to a room of their choice.

Some students find this new change terrible and they wish the school would change it back to the way it was. Other students like junior Kaden Sanchez, like the new change.

When asked about his feelings towards the change Sanchez said, “I don’t really mind the change.”

He expressed how he felt that the students were better because of this change. “It makes everyone accountable for what they have to do.” Sanchez said.

Other students however, like junior Krale Halsted, despise the change to homeroom.

Halsted said, “It feels like we’re being pushed around and that we don’t have a choice anymore.”

Halsted was also upset about the new one teacher policy. “I wish I could visit multiple teachers to get more help.” Halsted replied.

While students have their own opinions on this new form of homeroom, the change has affected the staff as well. Mr. Stephen Paulson was asked about how he felt about the new change and he replied, “I like the system, but at the same time I dislike it.”

Paulson explained the new process helps organize teachers.  “I like that I know what students are coming to my room so I know what to get ready before the class starts,” Paulson said.

Paulson doesn’t think it’s a perfect system yet.  “We still need to trust students and hold them accountable for what they need to do,” Paulson said.

Paulson would also like to see what kids had to say about the system.  “I would find a way to add students input so they could get to classes that they needed to,” he said.