SART peers work to prevent sexual violence at West
Brendan McCune, Monique Benavidez, and Grace Chahal work to end sexual assault in Mr. Brian Holmes health class on Thursday.
October 5, 2019
Greeley West’s Student Advocate Resource Team, referred to as SART Peers, used their training and presented to health classes on the block days this week.
SART Peers is program that was brought back to West last year through SAVA, the Sexual Assault Victim’s Advocacy Center. The program is designed to train a group of high school students on the topic of sexual violence and equip them to go into the classroom and teach other students about the topic.
The presentations take place in high school health classes all around District 6. It allows for students to hear information from different voices, other than their normal teacher.
Last Monday, students from West spent the day being trained at Greeley Central along with fellow SART Peers. West’s program is made up of six juniors and seniors who care about prevention in the school. Even though the program is smaller, three students presented for every health class at West and will do it again in the spring for the next semester classes.
SART Peer, Jacob Evans, explained that he does this program because, “I believe in the presentation. It isn’t going to be the administrators, teachers or parents that end sexual violence. I truly think it starts with us.”
While the information can be challenging and is serious in nature, the presentation allows for a comprehensive experience that walks students through the facts, myths, definitions, laws, real life examples and prevention measures on the topic.
Health teacher Mr. Brian Holmes stated that, “I think it’s important that you got the juniors and seniors setting the expectations for the freshmen. In fact, I don’t think we see that enough here. This is a great way to make it happen.”
The whole goal of the program is to bring awareness to the topic and start the conversation through the means of everyone’s peers, so that students can be the link to prevention now and in the future.