West theater presents ‘Diary of Anne Frank’

The Greeley West theater department is presenting The Diary of Anne Frank this weekend. Performances are at 7:30 tonight and tomorrow.
November 11, 2019
The theater has been a little bit quieter than normal in preparation for the fall play this year. In fact, on one day, it was completely silent.
Ms. Peggy Freemole is unveiling the theater’s next hit production, The Diary of Anne Frank. The play is based off a true story of a young girl living in Nazi-occupied Holland during World War II who keeps a diary of her everyday life living in hiding and in silence. The Diary of Anne Frank opens Thursday night and runs through the weekend. Each night’s performance is at 7:30 p.m.
Greeley West is known for their exceptional theater program, as Freemole always directs plays that are nothing less than amazing. All the students involved in theater are dedicated to their roles in the program, whether it be production, props and decoration, lighting, or the acting itself.
In preparation of this show, the actors decided to take their roles outside of rehearsal. The students had to go one full school day without saying a word to anyone. No talking, whispering, or verbal communication of any kind.
The purpose behind this simulation is so that the actors can become more connected to their part by method acting. This acting philosophy is aimed at improving one’s performance of a role by making them experience their life from their “characters” shoes in the hopes of creating a more lifelike performance from the actors themselves.
“It really was an eye-opening experience,” said junior Jacob Evans. “It gives you a good understanding of how their whole family lived during this time but it was super difficult not being able to talk to anyone. I would hate being under that amount of stress all the time.