Cooking up some school spirit

The Greeley West Booster Club is hosting a chili cook-off on Thursday of next week. Stop by in the commons.

Kathryn Broderius, Staff Writer

While winter in Colorado may be a bit chilly, the Greeley West Booster Club intends to help warm up students, families and staff at the 2nd Annual Chili Cook-Off. 

The event serves not only as a way for the West community to come together, but also as a recognition for winter sport athletes. 

Athletic secretary, Jessica Piacenza explained that, “It’s important to try to support all sports, so we felt that the chili cook off was a great way to do this. The past three years our booster club has done a really good job of trying to recognize everyone who should be in a fun way.”

Anyone who is willing to bring the heat can sign up online to compete in the competition. This year there is a twist to the competition, as categories have been added to give everyone a chance. The categories include best chili by a West student, in addition to competitions for both staff and family members. The Chili Cook-Off will be held on Thursday January 23 from 5:30 until 7:15, in the commons area in conjunction with girl’s and unified basketball games. 

In addition to chili, the catering classes will be making cornbread muffins to purchase along with other concession stand items. 

Barbara Broderius, who is the Booster Club president stated that, “Everyone who comes gets a free bowl of chili and will be given tickets to sample and vote for their favorite chili. We hope to get a lot of support and keep it going for many years to come. There has also been a plaque made, where the winners will get their names on it after being announced at half time of the basketball game. The plaque will then stay at school for everyone to see.”

Not only will attendees be able to enjoy some homemade chili and vote for their favorite, they can watch some exciting basketball. Hopefully families can enjoy a fun filled night while supporting West as a whole.