Communication has been key in shift to remote learning

Ruby Arreguin, Staff Writer

This year has proven difficult for many students and teachers alike. Members of District 6  have cooperated and have taken Covid-19 protocols very seriously, resulting in remote learning for the rest of the school year. But was telling students to remain home an easy call to make? 

This year has been full of struggles for every student, and teachers at Greeley West did  their best to keep things on track, respect where students were, and keep everyone safe.  When asked if the shift in going entirely remote was an easy process, senior Suraya Aragon said, “In my opinion, the shift was very well handled especially considering this all being in a very  short manner with a year of a pandemic.”

Many students have been struggling with more homework than they were usually assigned and have trouble waking up on time for their first hour classes. Aragon continued that going online after break is hard to adjust to.  “I would say it’s almost as if they kind of shoved the rest of the quarter under a rug instead of solving/coming up with a solution for the quarter. It’s almost like how our spring break from junior year turned into summer break- our thanksgiving break went until however long they kept us online,” Aragon said.

“I do give props to our (superintendent.” Aragon concluded. “She tries very hard to meet everyone’s needs and being one person in charge of one of the largest school districts in the state,  it’s quite impressive, and some people need to give her some more room to work with; there’s only  so much a person can do being that it was probably the state that shut us down and not the district.”

Other students seem to agree, and will continue to have patience and understand the changes to come. As long as there’s communication, students, for the most part, will cooperate. “I believe D6 handled the shift to complete remote learning wonderfully, because they  emailed all the students letting them know that school will be online and people understood and  continued school online,” said Emily Zaragoza.