Who is Joel Soto?
March 29, 2021
Name: Joel Soto
Year of High School: I graduate in 2024 (Freshman)
Thoughts about the future: After high school I am planning to go to college. I would like to do something with business.
Where I work: I don’t have a job; I just have schoolwork. I also help around the house with chores or whatever my parents need me to do. Sometimes I help my dad with mechanic work.
Daily Routine: After I wake up, I get ready and do all the basics before going to school. Then after school, I’ll probably go to the gym. Finally, I will do homework and most likely hang out with my girlfriend.
Most essential ritual/habit: The most essential habit or part of my day is probably hanging out with my girl.
Favorite Hobbies: My favorite hobbies to do outside of school are playing sports. My favorite sports are basketball and football.
Favorite App on your cell phone: My favorite app on my phone is YouTube because I am on it a lot of the time when I get bored.
Favorite time waister/procrastination habits: It would probably be YouTube again because it wastes time when I don’t have anything to do.
Sleep schedule: I go to bed around 10 pretty constantly. I wake up at a good time early every morning but the time kind of depends.
How do you know when you have been successful? I know I’m successful when I have good grades. I know I’m all caught up with school and I’m not falling behind. Also when I am feeling good and nothing is really holding me back.