Administrative team shares excitement for in-person learning
Greeley West principal Mr. Jeff Cranson helps freshman Wyatt Moon in the commons with some math homework on Monday.
March 29, 2021
It was business as usual at Greeley West on Monday morning.
Well, almost. Quarterly schedules, lunch in classrooms, masks and social distancing remained, but students finally were able to interact with one another in person without a computer screen.
Greeley West administrators are excited to have students back four days a week. “The teachers and staff have done an amazing job of preparing (for Monday),” assistant principal Ms. Amy Zulauf said.
Zulauf’s biggest concern is for the freshmen class. “Although, I do believe some Spartans (of all ages) are a little nervous for the return, I feel that the freshman will not be quite ready for the huge change. But I know that they will adapt,” Zulauf said.
Throughout the hybrid schedule, there have been little to no students sent to the office for disciplinary purposes. She thinks that pattern will continue. Zulauf explained that the hybrid schedule helped teachers become more capable of working through student behaviors.
Principal Mr. Jeff Cranson believes that there won’t be much of a rise in discipline problems as well. He explained that the faculty has started a restorative justice committee to prevent conflict. Cranson explained that the committee consists of more than 20 staff members who have been getting trained on how to deal with conflict through building relationships.
Zulauf is optimistic aboutkeeping students in the classroom through May. “I feel like we will have to quarantine some kids here and there, but we will most likely not go back to a full shut down, “ Zulauf said.
Cranson also explained that he doesn’t believe West will go back to a hybrid schedule. “I expect to be back to school full time with a five-day schedule in the following year, “ Cranson said.
Cranson reiterated that the best learning is in-person.