Who is Travis Wells?

September 7, 2021
Name: Travis Wells
Year: Senior
What are you thinking about for your future? I definitely want to go to college at the end of high school. I want to continue with sports throughout college, playing football, and hope to one day make it to the NFL. When I go to college I will most likely do Athletic Training as a major and have Criminology there as well. If neither of those then Forensic Science is a possibility.
Where I work: I actually don’t have a job, but I play football at the Greeley West practice field and underneath the Friday night lights. I also do my homework usually wherever it takes me, but I like doing my homework at school so when I get home I have nothing to do because it is so much easier to get distracted at home.
Daily Routine: My daily routine: well I wake up, get dressed, brush my teeth . I will take a shower if I didn’t the night before, but I usually do the night before. I have breakfast, come to school, and go through the entire day. Then, go to football practice, come home shower and eat dinner
Most essential ritual/habit: My most essential habit would be playing sports because my life revolves around sports and my love of sports and without sports I wouldn’t be me.
Favorite Hobbies: If I had to pick one, I would say play sports obviously, but if I was going to pick one other than that I would say video games. I like to play video games all of the time. My favorites are usually the sports games.
What is your favorite App on your cell phone? I would probably have to say my most favorite is my messaging app because it is how I talk to everyone. I have a lot of different apps, but I don’t use them as much as my messaging app.
Favorite time waster: My favorite time waster would have to be playing video games because, like I said earlier, I like playing the sports games such as Madden 21 and 2k21, even though Madden22 is about to come out.
Sleep schedule: It changes from day to day, I try to get a good amount of sleep, but usually I don’t. I’ll go to bed at 1 or 2 am on a school night which really isn’t a good thing. I usually get woken up around 6:30 in the morning.
How do you know when you have been successful? I really know just how I feel as a person, So like this year I finally got onto varsity for football, so I felt good about myself. So when you reach that point of success you can look at yourself, look around and see how “Oh wow,” I actually got here with all of the hard work I put in.