West Review looks for submissions
April 26, 2022
West review is made up of 4 students as well as a teacher. The teacher in West Review is Mr.Shaha and the 4 students are Melany Astorga, Layne Brown, and Kevin Mosqueda. How the West Review came to mind was, essentially it started off as an idea presented by Shaha, he wanted to create something where students could safely and anonymously share their innermost thoughts and creations. Asking them the question; “what makes you a Greeley West Student”, giving them a sense of representation. How the 4 students are able to choose which are to be shown and which are not is what truly represents the students of Greely West. Melanie Astorga stated, “Since we are barely launching our idea, we are taking any submissions, but realistically we do want to select ones that truly represent the students of Greeley west”. What West Review is looking for is poetry, very short stories, creative essays, college applications, essays, art, pictures, music, and drawings. You can submit your creations via email at cshaha@greeleyschools.org, hand-deliver them to room 705, or contact Melanie Astorga @mastorgafaudoa@greeleyschools.org, Layne Brown lbrown@greeleyschools.org, or Kevin Mosqueda kmosqueda@greeleyschools.org. The submission the last date is April 18th, but sure any will be taken and reviewed.