Students find home, confidence in SRP program

Gage Martinez

Sophomores Darious Loma and Julian Hernandez work on catching up in their classes on Wednesday.

Gage Martinez, Staff Writer

Students struggling during their freshman or sophomore year at Greeley West have a chance at being selected to join the Student Recovery Program (SRP). SRP offers individual time to work with students, help with managing student grades and school work, as well as offers a summer credit recovery class for freshmen and sophomores.  This support extends for the entire time students decide to stay within the program and in any high school where SRP is present.

For student’s to be able to qualify for the SRP group, they need to be at risk for being unable to graduate high school within four years, or have very low credits through their freshman and sophomore years. If a student is not picked, but fits the criteria to join, then the student’s parent can talk to someone working in SRP.

Ms. Corrina Antuna is one of the people in charge of selecting students for the program.  She discusses the student’ situation, and their fit for the group.  The SRP room at Greeley West is located in  B-012, and students can get pulled out of an elective class to go and work on any missing work for any period in there.  They just have to make sure the elective teacher gives permission to do so. 

The adults in the SRP group are very eager to help students, and to see them graduate within four years.  Antuna takes extreme pride when these at-risk students complete their requirements and graduate.   “I watch our students walk across that celebration stage and celebrate their accomplishments.”

Many teachers, who aren’t only just in the SRP group, dedicate their free time to also help out the students struggling with their grades by showing up to events and tutoring.  Even students start to build a connection with other students in the SRP program, as well as the staff who are working with them.  It makes it a very welcoming and friendly environment. 

“This is only our second year at Greeley West, and we only have about 40 students in the program,” Antuna said.  “Next year we’ll add 20 more to be at our full capacity. We intentionally keep our program small to provide individualized support to all our students.”