Students question why Homecoming eligibility is a thing

Senior Student Council members Jasmine Tapia and Yasmine Adam sell Homecoming tickets at lunch time on Thursday.
September 15, 2022
With homecoming fast approaching,the students at Greeley West have been working hard to get those grades up to be eligible.
What does it mean to be eligible? In accordance with the CHSAA eligibility requirements that almost all schools in Colorado follow, you must be enrolled in at least five classes and be passing with a 60% or better. If a student is failing more than one class they are not eligible for sports or extracurriculars.Greeley West chooses to use those standards for Homecoming and Prom. Science teacher and tennis coach Mr. Ryan Pace stated, “I think that every last one of our 1900 students is capable of reaching those requirements.”
Many students disagreed with Pace’s assessment in regards to dances and extra-curricular options. “What’s the point in being eligible? It’s a dance for the whole school, not just a select group of people,” freshman Elizabeth Kendrick said.
Many students say the system is broken because not every teacher works with students to help them get their grades up. They believe that students’ behavior in class should also be taken into account when trying to work with teachers. For instance, if a student chooses to goof off in class, a teacher would be less willing to help them get their grades up versus the students that work hard in class but still struggle. Senior Sarah Porter said; “I feel that the way you interact with your teachers will help them be more likely to help you out if you need it.”
History teacher Mr. Ky Dietz believes that is exactly what happens with students in sports. “If you have an expectation to be able to play sports and be in clubs then you should have an expectation to go to Homecoming.”,
Struggling with school work is not just understanding the material and how it is presented to you. Some teachers and students argue that home life and mental health also factor into school work. Does mental health tie into eligibility? “Absolutely, but it’s ultimately on that student to communicate with those teachers,” said Pace.
Mental health is so important in society nowadays that sometimes it’s not always a student’s fault as to why those grades aren’t up. “They don’t have to say everything that is happening but if a student came up to me and told me that something was happening at home I would be more willing to help that student with whatever they needed to keep that grade up,” added Pace.
With all the information on eligibility and society in this new generation, teachers, students and parents want kids to experience more activities than just going to school to learn. Parents want kids to go out with their friends and have fun. This includes dances such as Homecoming. In generations past, students went to Homecoming to support the school and their fellow students who played football as an opening to the season. “If kids have all Fs and are not eligible for Homecoming, then how are they supposed to show their support for their friends and school?” said sophomore Karter Ells.