Vendor spots available for Booster Club Craft Fair on November 5

Monte Finley, Staff Writer

The Greeley West Booster Club is bringing back its successful Craft Fair in the first week of November.  The event serves as both a fundraiser for the Boosters and an opportunity for clubs and activities to fundraise themselves.  It will be the first craft fair held in the new building.  

With a new building comes new space, and crafters are encouraged to sign up for an 8×10 spot in the new building.  Students, parents, staff, artisans, crafters, and local businesses are welcome to participate.  New this year:  plenty of space.  The congestion of the commons in the old building has been replaced with hallways more conducive to vendors.  

The craft fair will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, November 5.  The Boosters already have commitments from vendors who will be selling food and art.  Live music will also be a part of the festivities.  

For those who have not yet toured the new facilities, officials will be on hand to provide tours to patrons of the craft fair.  

The fair is a good place to get one-of-a-kind items, begin shopping for the holidays, get a gift for a friend or loved one, learn a new craft, listen to musicians you might not know, tour the school, or just spend the day.

This will be the third year the Booster Club has held the event.  Generations Church used to hold a craft fair; when they stopped doing it, West picked it up.  It had not happened in the past two years because of the pandemic.

If you want to get in on the action as a vendor, please contact Jessica in the main office at 970-348-5401 or email the Booster Club at