The Greeley West Knowledge Bowl team is looking for new members and wants you to be a part of this upcoming season. Knowledge Bowl is always looking for someone who is a good team player and has a lot of knowledge about any random thing to join the team.
Knowledge Bowl coach, Mr. Ryan Allen will be attending most if not all of the meetings they’re having for the knowledge bowl club. All of the meetings will be held in room B-007 every Monday.
Students who join the club will practice playing against each other as if it was a real competition, getting asked trivia questions that they have to answer as quickly as they can.
They will have competitions starting soon against other schools in the area; sometimes, they’ll travel to other schools for the competitions.
Knowledge Bowl is a club that started last year and it turns out that people who joined then had a lot of fun in it and so it’s back. It is a chance to compete with others and test everyone’s trivia skills. All of the topics that the competition can have can be from education to personal or even live events that have happened recently such as: math equations, science, history, books, sports, or movies.
Each team will have 4 people and maybe a few subs, but each team gets to answer once, so you have to think about your answer very wisely.