As the middle of the school has come upon, tardies have become inevitable. For some Greeley West students, the allure of school is over and they don’t like staying in class and are doing everything to avoid going to class.
The tardy problem is most common after B lunch and near the end of the day. The majority of students (mainly underclassmen that can’t go out) have been found roaming around the hallways while Principal Mr. Jeff Cranson threatened tardy sweeps. Thursday, it finally happened and West recorded its first tardy sweep of the year.
When a tardy sweep is declared teachers lock their doors and the students that are out wandering around without a valid pass and I.D will get taken into the office where then they would get served a phone call home and then some after school detention.
Social Studies teacher Jorge Cabral shared his opinion on the tardy sweep and how it can teach the students to stay true to themselves. “I just hope it can teach students to hold each other accountable,” Cabral said. “I know that here at Greeley West, there’s a culture of going from class to class but hanging out with friends afterwards so they avoid going to class on time, and I just hope these tardy sweeps and the detention is a way to reduce those levels are tardiness.”
Assistant Principal Bridget Koehler shared the staggering numbers coming out of the first tardy sweep. “I couldn’t get ahold of an exact number, but there was definitely 50-70 students that we caught in the middle of the sweep.”
Koehler shared an important fact that was found within the students who are tardy. “We have found a strong correlation between students who are failing multiple classes and the absences,” Koehler said. “ We just want to reinforce the fact of the importance of getting to class in time and reinforce a sense of urgency.”
From freshmen and sophomores wandering aimlessly around school to juniors and seniors arriving late from lunch, the hope is that the custodial staff doesn’t lend anymore brooms to catch students in the sweeps that could be coming up.