Something new is in stre for Greeley West starting after break and there are many different opinions on it. Principal Mr. Jeff Cranson is mandating a new tardy rule.
“Starting on Monday, November 27th, students who arrive late to school must be accompanied by a parent or provide a parent call/note to excuse their tardiness or absence,” Cranson explained to the student body on Friday morning’s announcements.
With this happening, teachers and students have two different views on the situation. Science and AVID teacher Mr Ryan Pace stated, “I realize things happen and people are late, but the habitual people that haven’t found a way to make it on time and don’t have an excuse this new rule might encourage them to be on time.”
“Tardies are pretty rough 1st and 2nd hour, but as far as getting your kids to school the parent can help with that in the morning,” Pace stated.
Office assistant Nikki Andrade is going to help manage the new rule and, in her words, “crack down on it.”
“We aren’t going to let kids in unless they’re called in because we need them to be on time,” Andrade stated.
Hall Monitor Rose Francis added, “It’s a good start to get kids to class on time, and it matters to everyone, especially with off-campus privileges.”
Freshman Diana Calhoun even understood the new rules. “Sometimes my mom is late which makes me late, I think the rule is a little extreme but I understand where they’re coming from.”