With Valentine’s coming up, make sure you don’t pick the wrong partner and look out for these red flags:
Honorable Mention: Lazy
It’s just a waste of time being with someone who is lazy. They have no goals and no motivation. They never want to do anything, and they have no goals in life. There is nothing positive about being someone who has no dreams for their life, or no motivation to get out of bed in the morning. They will never have time for you.
5 – Leading On
Waste of time, energy, and money. Mixed signals and confusion are key to leading on and no one likes their time being wasted.
4 – No Accountability
When they play the victim, they always want to blame anybody else but themselves. In their eyes, they are always perfect and can make no mistake. If you get mad at them, they manage to flip it and make it about you and not themselves.
3 – Insecure
Having an insecure significant other is always the worst. They never trust you, they never communicate, and they are never ready to commit. Having an insecure significant other never ends well. They can never trust you, or you can never trust them.
2 – Friendly
Is anyone actually comfortable having a girlfriend or boyfriend who is extremely friendly with anyone? It’s just a terrible feeling when your significant other seems like everyone’s significant other.
1- Girl/Boy Best Friend
Like honestly have any of your significant others had a best friend that was actually just a friend? We all know that the best friend is your backup. It’s just a matter of time until they get bored with you and replace you in an instant. Look out for those “best friends.”