Education is something that nobody can ever take away from you. Greeley West has a program called SRP to give students time to makeup work and gain credits in order to graduate. SRP stands for student recovery program. SRP is helpful to students who may just be falling behind or just like the extra help.
The three main high schools in the district have SRP with two student advocates at each school. SRP offers after-school tutoring for kids that need it and during the summer they offer summer school at UNC campus.
One student, Miguel Cardenas, said, “ SRP has helped me stay on track to graduate and made sure I stay out of trouble.”
Emanuel Tapia, said, “SRP offers a space for me to come during classes to get work done and the advocates are really helpful with my school work,” Tapia said.
SRP is giving student motivations and expands beyond the classroom more of a community. Across the United States, Latinas were more likely to graduate high school than Latinos so the program was made to help graduates receive mentorship and make sure they graduate on time.